BMI Works # 49558926

Dank der fantastischen Zusammenarbeit mit Oliver Kerschner von Sound Direct in Wien, entstand diese veredelte Version meines originalen Layouts von vor ein paar Wochen.

First draft

… You know the color of your smile
Just took me by surprise …

Lovesong 2020

BMI Works # 49558926 © 2020
Music & Lyrics: Christian Meyer-Pedersen
Mix: Oliver Kerschner – Sound Direct – 
Cover photo: Lukáš Dlutko –


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Video content von – Urheber: cottonbro, Distill, Paolo Renato, Taryn Elliott, Darli Donizete, Pixabay, Fikret Ceylan und Pressmaster.


I close my eyes
And I see
You and I
In perfect harmony

Watching that sunset
By the sea
Talking and kissing
Just like it‘s meant to be

Yes I know I’m make believing
Cause I know it cannot be
There won’t be no happy ending
Someone writes for you and me

(Kompletter Text auf Anfrage)

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